
Who attends?
All Rotarians who would like to increase or enhance their Rotary knowledge
If you are new and missed or did not have a formal New Member Orientation
If you would like to hone your leadership skills
Cost: $75 to cover continental breakfast, coffee break and lunch.
How to register? Click: REGISTER
1. Click on https://rlinea.org/
2. Once there, look for RLI NEA Seminar -Dist. 7120 Rochester New York; then,
3. Click on More Info. then, follow instructions.
If the member is new to RLI class, click on RLI Guest Registration
If the member has taken RLI classes before, click on RLI Member
If member continues to have difficulty in registering, click on Request ezLink Registration link
Please contact PDG Janet Tenreiro with questions janettenreiro@gmail.com
Schedule: To be announced
- Credit card.
- Check
Thank you!
PDG Janet Tenreiro
Regional Vice Chair